Creating Informative Bulletin Boards - Tips For First Time Teachers

You'll probably have multiple bulletin boards in your class, and you should devote one of them to being a instructional and informative. You shouldn't fret too much about what types of things to include on this board, in fact if you do it right, it should be one of the easier bulletin boards for you to assemble. Students and parents as well as other teachers will be drawn to this board so make sure you make it nice and neat, with a good design, and not full of useless tripe. Make the board look like you really cared about making it, and not that you were forced to.

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Keep it contemporary. This board has the potential to be the most boring of all of your bulletin boards, but if you include things that are currently trendy you'll be able to spruce it up and increase the chance your students will be enthralled by it. Use popular scenes from movies, or famous quotes that everyone is using in the dialogs. This way you set yourself apart from the other teachers that ill just keep it basic and won't provide any sort of visual stimulus on their informative boards.

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Post records. By posting records on your board you will be taking a load of responsibility off of yourself, and you'll also be keeping yourself on track as far as record keeping goes. If you systematically update the scores and grades on your informative bulletin board you will make sure that this task doesn't get backed up. That way you won't have a mountain of grades and scores to calculate at the end of the school term. Plus it's a great way to keep your students in the know about where they stand and if they need to complete any extra credit work to bump their grade up.

Be concise with your words. Since it's a bulletin board you have limited space in which to grab people's attention. Keep your wording such that it can't be rearranged into something offensive. Kids are always on the look out for the 15 minutes of fame and if you put words on your board that can be moved around to spell or read anything that's offensive you'll make a legend out of one of your students. You'll have to think a little immaturely when you are thinking of how you will word things. Try to get into the mind of a child for a moment and see if there's anything mischievous they can do to your board.

If you keep these tips in mind when making your informational bulletin board you're sure to have a winner. Whatever you do, don't forget to keep it interesting at all times. You don't want to draw people over to your board in hopes of some insight, and then have them leave disappointed that you only had a few printouts of classroom rankings.

Creating Informative Bulletin Boards - Tips For First Time Teachers
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